This would endanger the many people using the recreational areas around the north side of the volcano at spirit lake . 这将危及使用斯必利特湖火山北坡周围休养地的许多人。
D podium recreational areas D平台花园及康乐场地
This conceptual public art offers an aesthetic as well as recreational area for the public 此造形为一组开放式景观雕塑,提供民众观赏及休闲之用。
The borough has an extensive system of parks and recreational areas , and coney island is the most famous 该区有许多公园与娱乐场所,其中最著名的是植物园科尼岛。
All centres are well - equipped with training workshops , multimedia language laboratory , audio - visual aids room and recreational areas 所有训练中心皆设有设备完善之训练工场、多媒体语言实习室、视听教材室和娱乐设施等。
From japan to inspect the top of wulai waterfall as to guarantee the safety of cable car and recreational area currently under construction 9月聘请日本索道专家近藤勇先生前来乌来瀑布顶端勘查,保证适于架设空中缆车及辟建乐园。
Geohiong ( kaohsiung ) mayor sia diongding ( frank hsieh ) ordered the city to open up the wall that separated geohiong harbor and the city , thereby opening up a whole new recreational area 高雄市长谢长廷啪通高雄港及市区隔开耶围墙?搁增设公园乎市民加一耶活动区。
Magnificent parklands and recreational areas abound including wilson botanic park , sweeney reserve , manna gum picnic area , akoonah park , berwick showgrounds , and casey arc swimming and recreational centre and playgrounds 从小学至大学, 10多所各类院校分布在半径3公里内环境优美,附近有多个市政公园
Hanover ' s unique sports park is one of the city ' s outstanding features , with the combined advantage of bordering on the city centre while at the same time being part of a large recreational area around maschsee lake 汉诺威独特的体育公园是该市的显著特色之一,拥有既与市中心比邻又是马斯湖周边大休闲娱乐区组成部分的双重优势。
Organic matter and available n of topsoil decreased in recreational areas , but the soil bulk density and ph increased . affected by garbage decomposing , soil available p concentration varied obviously in recreational areas 活动区土壤有机质含量降低, ph值升高,容重增大,碱解氮含量降低,受垃圾分解影响,速效磷含量发生变化。